


Yusuf Cihan

Hi! I develop and advocate for free (as-in freedom; libre) & open source software.

Instead of keeping everything to my own, I publish my projects under open source licenses, thus everyone can use and benefit from what I create, so we all can preserve software for better tommorrows.

I mostly use Python, and know HTML/CSS as much as to build this website. Lastly, I also do some UI/UX design behind the scenes, which I'm still learning on! You can check out my GitHub to see most of my projects. (Not all, because some of them are just small pet projects :P)

Here are some of my projects:

  • DynamicComponents, to create components in runtime for App Inventor 2 platform.
    (it is also the #1 most viewed topic in the community in all times! 🎉)

  • Toasted, a Python library to create rich toast notifications with all elements on Windows 10 & 11.

  • SamFetch, to download Samsung firmwares for your phone, so you can repair it on your own.

If you want to find me on other platforms:


If you want to send a e-mail:

hi [at] <this domain>

If you want to support me & my work:
